Affordable online classes to help you get ahead or get back into the swing, open to matriculated students and lifelong learners with easy credit transfers and convenient scheduling.
3 Week Session
May 11 – May 29
Humor is serious business. Sure, there’s simple comedy, like a pie in the face or a Tyler Perry movie, but a lot of humor displays real intellect, and despite much reflection and experimentation—both in labs and on stages—no one has yet discovered a unified theory of hilarity. This course examines the mechanisms and models of humor, interpersonal humor, and the linkages of humor to personality, the practical use of humor in multiple settings, the biological and psychological connections humor has to one’s health and well-being, and how to bring humor to everyday life.
This course uses material that contains profane language and, in some cases, sexual content, racists stereotypes, and references to drug abuse/use. Should these be things you feel uncomfortable with reading or viewing – then this course may not be suitable for you.
Prerequisite: PSY 151
session i
May 11 – June 28
A basic course focusing on the accounting systems, preparation of financial statements, selected balance sheet items and financial statement analysis as applied in various business organizations. This course will assist the organization manager with decision making.
the class focuses on the creation of visual material using several industry-standard software programs, and will be conducted in the computer lab and Visual Media Studio. Students will learn to generate visually interesting, informational, professional-level material using programs such as Photoshop and Final Cut Pro that are necessary for the production of video, infographics, and photographic imagery. Students will learn which software to use and combine to generate visual material effectively.
An introductory course in microeconomics focusing on individuals as consumers, producers, and resource owners operating in a market system. The supply and demand model is used to analyze how prices and output are determined in both the product and factor markets. Decision making in the firm is studied under different market structures.
Intensive practice in a variety of approaches to professional writing tasks: memoranda, correspondence, proposals, and both brief and longer reports.
Prerequisite: ENgl 105 or ENgl 212
An introduction to the environmental geologic forces and man’s interaction with them. Concentrates on environmental management that reduces geologic hazards and sustains natural resources. topics include coastal erosion, groundwater management, river flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers, global warming, rock types, energy production, and global changes. laboratory.
General principles of business finance focusing on markets, analysis, interest rates, the time value of money, the valuation of securities and capital allocation within the firm. Formerly FIN 203 – Principles of Finance.
Prerequisite: ACCT 238, MATH 117
This course provides students an historical grounding to the contemporary global War on terror. guided by the process and method of historical inquiry, we will consider the policies and precedents that have informed the gWot’s undertaking from well before the attacks of September 11, 2001. By studying these antecedents, we will develop a deeper, more sophisticated understanding of this present-day conflict. Using both primary and secondary sources, we will focus principally on threats and activities abroad, including engagements against al Qaeda and ISIS as well as the 21st-century wars in afghanistan and Iraq.
today’s organizations must compete globally and their most important asset for success is a highly competent and effective workforce. this course focuses on how top businesses attract, hire, and retain the best and the brightest talent while respecting and protecting civil and employment rights.
Prerequisite: HRM 213
Become an informed and curious citizen of the world by exploring the diverse aspects of many cultures. learn basic customs of different cultures and how they vary around the world. Engage
in critical thinking regarding your own language and culture, make comparisons and prepare to meet and work with people of diverse backgrounds. gain awareness of the many chronic and urgent issues around the world such as water scarcity, hunger, human trafficking, aIDS, conflict minerals, child soldiers and the situations in Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, etc.
A working knowledge of business law is important to every member of society, as the law applies to us all — from individuals to organizations. This course is a broad introduction to U.S. law, concentrating on basic knowledge of the legal system and its impacts on commerce. Business Law begins with an overview of the judicial system and alternative dispute resolution. After a brief look at criminal law and civil liability, we focus on contracts, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), business formation, agency relationships and intellectual property. This course will also introduce students to ethical constructs and ethics-based decision making.
Prerequisite: A minimum of 27 completed credits
Designed for students with three years of high school mathematics, which includes two years of high school algebra or its equivalent. topics include real numbers, linear equations, functions, slope, equations of lines, systems of equations, quadratic equations, exponential and logarithmic functions. Practical applications of the material will be stressed.
Prerequisite: three years of high school Mathematics or its equivalent
MGMT 227 provides an introduction of leading and managing organizations. Leadership is the ethical application of power to influence the decisions and processes of a group. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources. MGMT 227 will explore the interrelation and differences of these two important business concepts as they apply to organizational behavior.
this course provides a set of operations Management concepts and tools for your use in managing your organization and in gaining competitive advantage. the course is structured to provide you with practical and relevant applications of these tools.
It recognizes the key role of processes in business and explores the elements which impact these business processes. It is equally suited for either the manufacturing sector or the service sector.
Key elements include operations strategy, process design
and improvement and process layout, capacity management, technology, the role of quality and quality systems, and the management of the supply chain, including inventory, forecasting and scheduling.
Prerequisite: EPS 227 or MgMt 227, ECoN 221, and FIN 303
This course fulfills the internship graduation requirements for adult learners. This course exposes students to hands-on learning experiences in which they will compete two projects within their workplaces as well as writing a professional memo detailing the cumulative representation of research and findings through the demonstrated knowledge of, and the ability to use, action research as part of personal professional development and reflective practice. Students will design and conduct an action research project with strong ties to current educational research. This culminating project will provide students with a strong sense of internal and external forces of the organization and workplace competencies.
The major living religions of the world are studied as expressions of ultimate concern within their historical, theological, and social contexts. Both eastern and western religions are studied.
This course is designed to enhance students professional and communication skills in order to develop and maintain a professional career path. As a seminar course it is highly interactive and will cover the following topics: interpersonal communication, professional writing, networking, the job search process, career resources, and mock interviewing. It is recommended to take this course as close to the student’s anticipated graduation date as possible. At the end of this course, students will have an updated resume and cover letter to prepare them for their professional lives.
The IDEA Lab fosters and supports all types of new ideas created by students, as well as supporting new skill development plans. Whether you want to launch/develop a new business, nonprofit, community event or campus initiative, this course is designed to guide students in developing these new ventures or new skill development. The course facilitates idea testing, finding resources, and identifying opportunities needed to execute the project. The program will facilitate connections with a mentor who has a specific expertise suited to your venture. This maybe an alumni, faculty or staff member. This IDEA Lab encourages all types of ventures: social impact, nonprofit, creative, cultural, and for-profit. The class is focused on a weekly roundtable discussion focused on specific brainstorming and troubleshooting the IDEAs of various students. The course builds toward a final IDEA project in which you will identify present the IDEA, existing solutions, existing challenges, steps in the development process and progress to date.
1 Credit.
session X
June 7 – August 2
In this overview course, students will learn the principles and applications of psychology for practical purposes and across disciplines. The practical applications of psychological research to issues and problems facing the world will be addressed. Students will learn and be actively engaged in how psychological findings can be used in a large variety of contexts. This course is a core requirement for all psychology majors.
session ii
July 6 – August 23
Examines the uses of accounting data for planning and control in organizations. Topics include cost classification, profit planning, activity based costing, flexible budgets, marginal and break-even analysis. Computer usage is integrated. Not open to Accounting concentration.
Prerequisite: ACCT 238
Jewelry takes us on an intriguing journey around the world. It connects all peoples and time periods. Components have been dated to be 40,000 years old, pre-dating the cave paintings and making them the earliest known expression of human creativity. Whether glass or gemstone, jewelry and the materials to make it have been traded around the globe for centuries as currency, commodity, and the precious. Used as symbols of power, beauty, wealth, luck, and healing, jewelry communicates the beliefs and practices of a culture. It persists as part of the world economy and as part of our consciousness as a consumer (ask almost anyone to name 3 jewelry brands in 3 seconds). In this overview course we will trace the beginnings of jewelry up to present day, and explore our personal use of and interest in adornment. Readings, videos, short papers, and group discussions will be used to explore trends, breakthrough techniques, and the way jewelry communicates its message.
This course will cover the historical foundations of terrorism. Students will learn ideologies, organizational structures, and methods of operations. Class discussions will provide an overview of the problem of terrorism, and explore public and private sector terrorism. Students will discuss and understand the concepts of domestic terrorism and its implications as well as political and social ramifications.
Prerequisite: CJM 347
In this course students will gain awareness of cultural differences as they affect our daily lives, and will develop methods to bridge those differences. globalization, the effect of social conventions on daily interactions, and the impact of cultural norms will be studied. Each student will participate in a group research project examining the challenges of conducting business and/or communicating on an intercultural basis.
Prerequisite: CoMM 247
The course is designed to develop students as critical writers, readers, and researchers. It will prioritize critical reading, interpretation of both primary and secondary texts, and analysis of these texts. The course will focus on fostering original thinking and interaction with a variety of scholarship and research methods as students are introduced to college-level, academic research. This course will help students to reflect on the uses of reading and writing in an effort to better understand themselves, their communities, and the world. CritWRR sections will explore topical content related to contemporary themes and controversies.
Prerequisite: ENGL 105 or ENGL 212
An introduction to the macroeconomic concepts of employment, income, and output, with an emphasis on their measurement and determination. The impact of policy decisions on the business cycle is investigated.
An introduction to the environmental geologic forces and man’s interaction with them. Concentrates on environmental management that reduces geologic hazards and sustains natural resources. topics include coastal erosion, groundwater management, river flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers, global warming, rock types, energy production, and global changes. laboratory.
An introduction to the financial issues that impact the lives of average people every day. The course covers money management, the rudiments of investing, personal tax, the fundamentals of life, health and property insurance, the tradeoffs between risk and return in investing, home ownership and mortgages, the pitfalls of consumer debt, retirement planning, and estate planning.
Prerequisite: FIN 303
Hiring qualified talent is no guarantee that these employees will achieve their potential. Without nurturing, much of this talent will remain untapped and wasted. High performing workforces are the result of continuous development and effective motivational strategy. Based on sound motivational theory, this course examines why people work and what organizations should know and do in order to create winning teams.
Prerequisite: HRM 213 or PSY 151 or SOC 161
A hands-on course designed to introduce the student to the software they will be using at Nichols and beyond. Students will become fluent with Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel) and digital media.
This course introduces students to the world of information systems from a manager’s perspective. The modern business relies on hardware, software, networks, and databases. This class will delve into those technologies and learn how they support a firm’s operations. We will pay particular attention to analytics and how data informs business decisions and predict future trends. Modern case studies and issues relating to technology in business, like ethics and cyberthreats, will also be discussed.
Prerequisite: ITM 123
In preparation for collaborative and team-based workplaces, this course offers the opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills that lead to successful team outcomes. The components of the course include team building, project management, and conflict management, covering topics such as group dynamics, emotional intelligence, diversity, project scheduling, and more. Students will have the opportunity to work in and lead multiple team-based projects, and learn how to maximize team productivity and potential.
Prerequisite: LEAD 101
Leading Strategic Initiatives provides seniors the opportunity to apply their mastery of the business core knowledge, learned during four years of study at Nichols College. Students are expected to look at their roles in business as applied to local, corporate and international level strategies. Students will demonstrate business and leadership knowledge through an intensive case study pedagogy designed to assess and reinforce key intellectual disciplines and leadership skills.
Prerequisite: LEAD 101, MGMT 365, and 72 completed credit hours
A first course in probability and statistics covering descriptive statistics, correlation, linear regression, probability, probability distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Practical applications using the Microsoft Excel software package will be stressed.
Prerequisite: MATH 117 or MATH 122 or MATH 190
This course provides fundamental knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship which focus on the process of establishing and successfully operating a new business.
Entrepreneurship is setting up a freestanding new business and accepting the risks of time, effort, and money associated with such a venture. Successful completion of this course will enable the student to craft an initial plan for the start-up of a new business, including a working knowledge of permits, fees and municipal registration requirements and the development of a simple business plan.
Prerequisite: EPS 227 or MgMt 227
a comprehensive introduction to the various facets of marketing in contemporary organizations. topics include marketing strategy, product development, pricing, distribution channels, and promotion; as well as the environments in which marketers work in the United States and around the world.
Examination of the consumer marketing process. this includes analysis and planning of consumer marketing programs with investigation of consumer decision making and buying patterns. Includes written case analyses and presentations.
Prerequisite: MKCM 202 and a minimum of 42 completed credits
Investigates the interaction of ethics with the operation of business, political, academic and religious institutions. Examines ethics and the law, and attempts to establish guidelines for personal and institutional conduct.
the major forms of abnormal behavior are described. they are discussed in light of an integrative bio-social model. Disorders include anxiety disorders, personality disorders, sexual deviance and dysfunction, dissociate and somatoform disorders, mood disorders, childhood disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, and cognitive disorders. treatment approaches are discussed as well.
Prerequisite: PSy 151

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Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please reach out to us with any questions you have about registering for the summer session.
Summer courses are just $360 per credit!

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